Your FREE Self-Help Guide To
Transitioning Your
Transgender Mind


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What Causes Your Anxiety?

Your Best Anxiety Solution

Frequently Asked Questions - 1

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Procedure For Use

Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions - 2

Course Requirements

 Course Layout & Structure

Module 1 –
 Removing Emotional Trash

Module 2 –
 Helping You Feel Better

Module 3 –
 Helping You Move

Module 4 – Parents' Program

Module 5 – Siblings' Program

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Transitioning Your
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What Causes Your Negative Thoughts, Self Doubts,
Fears, Stress,
& Other Nasty Anxieties?

Before I get into the nuts and bolts of the techniques used in this course,
I'd like to explain some of the underlying causes
(and consequences) of your
negative thoughts and feelings.


                                Have you ever realized that all of your "emotional trash"
(i.e. your fears, worries, trauma, self doubts, negative thoughts, guilt, shame, insecurities, and others)
comes directly from feeling...

                EXCESSIVE STRESS?

Throughout history, excessive stress has become an extremely complex problem for people. A problem that has been nearly impossible for most people to overcome. Not only can it affect your mental self, but literally every area of your being, including your physical self, as well. The negative effects of excessive stress and anxiety actually possess the innate ability to disrupt, and even adversely reroute the intricate electrical-circuitry of your brain.

                         Now you're probably thinking..."That CAN'T be a good thing!"


Well then, how would you like to hear some high praise for the awesome power
NEGATIVE thinking?

While the popular expression, "We are what we eat" certainly makes a great deal of sense...
Think about it, if you normally eat a healthy diet, then your body will be healthier over
the long term. However, if you eat nothing but junk food everyday, then your body will
basically become
"junk" as well, right?

It is equally accurate to say
"Your self-image becomes what you say and think
about yourself."

This simply means that if you routinely put yourself down with negative self-talk
things you say and think about yourself),
then what else would you expect to believe
and feel about yourself? You're inevitably going to possess a very negative image of
yourself. Wouldn't you agree?

Think of it this way...if you replaced the vital parts in a sports car with poor
quality parts, would you then expect that car to run perfectly - forever?
It's NOT going to happen, is it? The low quality parts will likely fail long before
top quality parts would.

Your body and mind work in very much the same's "garbage in -- garbage out."
If we are constantly thinking and feeling negatively, then our body will break down
and deteriorate, as well. That's because your subconscious mind......


And, thus your body automatically RESPONDS to literally everything you say or think!
That's where negative emotions come from.

Emotions are nothing more than the body's way of expressing whatever thoughts you are
thinking in your brain


Here's what renowned Physicist and Psychologist, Buryl Payne, Ph.D.,
writes on this subject:

"We know that thoughts generated in the brain activate secretions, and stimulate other
nerve centers in the body. Thoughts, coded as neural impulses, travel along nerve axons, activating muscles and glands similar to the manner in which telephone messages travel over wires in the form of electrical signals.
Experiments with the GSR (a biofeedback instrument) attached to fingers and toes clearly demonstrate that mental activity reaches into the extremities of the body."

"With sensitive EMG (electro-myography) instruments, we can show that muscles are
activated when we think about anything involving action or emotion, even though there
may be no visible movement.
Although we do not know how thoughts are generated in the brain, it seems clear that once present, thoughts are amplified by the brain and turned into

Every thought we think influences the atoms, molecules, and cells throughout the body.
Besides this straightforward effect on the physical body, we know from general principles
of physics that any acceleration of electrons produces some electromagnetic radiation."


       To help illustrate Dr. Payne's point, I'd like you to try this simple experiment:

Stand up straight, and start repeating the words "NO, I CAN'T" -
out loud - for one full minute:

         No, I can't - No, I can't - No, I can't - No, I can't - No, I can't

Just keep repeating that - over and over and over -- for one minute!

After continuously repeating that phrase, notice how your body feels at this

Do you feel a little bit off balance? Do you feel any tightness or nervousness in your chest, or anywhere else? That lack of balance and tension you're likely feeling is a direct result of your negative words immediately affecting your physiology. Also, do you feel any less
optimistic now than you did before? This is a very common consequence of routinely repeating negative thoughts and comments to yourself.

Can you see how powerfully your negative words tend to adversely affect
your body?

                                              Now, try this:

Stand up straight, and start repeating
the words "YES, I CAN" – OUT LOUD –
for one full minute:


And so on -- for one minute.

Now, can you distinguish a difference in how your body feels – after saying something
positive? That's how much of an effect maintaining a positive self-talk can have on you!

Now I will point out some important facts about what actually happens in your
brain whenever you feel any fear or anger...

Fear causes a flood of harmful, toxic stress hormones that actually change the neuro-
functional operation of the brain. Whenever we feel fearful, these stress hormones
squeeze the blood vessels of the fore-brain closed. It is this fore-brain (the orbitofrontal
cerebral cortex) that gives us our intelligence, our conscious reasoning, as well as our
ability to think logically.

But as a result of the blood vessels being closed in the front, this forces the blood back
to the very primitive hind-brain (the reptilian brain), where we operate from a strictly
REACTIVE behavior – which is NOT considered LOGICAL THINKING at is merely
the irrational reactive stimulus responding to our stressful fears and worries.

Therefore, as we become more engaged in fear, our thinking also becomes less and less
logical, and more and more defensive. This "switch into survival mode" causes the brain
to flood the body with the stress hormones, adrenalin and cortisol, thus instinctively
activating the 'Fight-or-Flight' response throughout the entire nervous system
(more on
this later)

You see, what I've just described is what happens when you experience any kind of fear, worry, or anger. And, if this is happening to you just as you at a critical time, just when you need to be at your best, then your chances of performing at 100% are severely diminished right from the start!


Okay, but what direct effect does all of this excessive stress actually have on
the human body?

As I've stated earlier, all of your emotional trash – such as anxiety, fears, worries,
negative thoughts, mental blocks, insecurities, etc.
comes directly from feeling...
EXCESSIVE STRESS! And, all negative emotions are held within the cells of your body.

Here's a brief lesson into the underlying bio-chemical structures of the human body,
and how negative thoughts and fears affect you EVERY day of your life...
(yes, this
actually IS kind of important)

Whenever you have any kind of negative experience or traumatic event, such as a
painful injury, or even just having a negative thought or feeling, a certain part of the
brain known as the hypothalamus releases a cascade of short-chain amino acid
chemicals, called peptides. These peptides are the chemicals that are responsible for
ALL of our sensations, (yes, even pain). They also make up all 72 of our known
emotions. Therefore, all of your emotions and feelings are essentially nothing more
than different combinations of chemicals within your body.

The peptides dock with the trillions of cell receptor sites, and cut off the absorption of
vital nutrients to the cells...eventually causing the cells to become PERMANENTLY
infected with the implanted memories of those negative emotions. Then, when new
cells are created, they are already infected with those NEGATIVE emotions instead of
the growing strong with the positive building blocks that are necessary for maintaining
a healthy body and mind.

Due to this consistently negative cellular environment, the body is constantly creating
unhealthy, mostly worthless, cells that are directly contributing to all sorts of nasty
ailments, as well as dramatically slowing the recovery of injuries and illnesses!
These worthless cells are also the primary contributors to recurring negative emotions
and excessive stress and anxiety!

Of course, it's accurate to say that, unless we're sedated 24 hours a day, everybody
experiences some anxiety and stress in their lives. We simply cannot avoid it, entirely.
Stressful situations will always arise, and nothing we do can prevent stress, completely.

Granted, some anxiety does come from having stressful things going on in our lives.
But that's not typically enough anxiety to directly cause our emotional trash.
It's when you experience EXCESSIVE anxiety from being exposed to something that
frightens you, and then
DWELLING on it – which causes a dramatic negative
subconscious jolt
, much like an "electric shock" to take place throughout your ENTIRE autonomic nervous system.
It's that shaky stressful feeling you get whenever you become intensely afraid
of something.

Plus, if that is not bad enough, EVERY TIME a negative thought goes through your mind, you cause additional destructive shocks to your nervous system...thus building up and reinforcing the powerful anxiety triggers in your brain - over and over again. Therefore, it becomes far easier for you to receive those shocks from future recurrences of negative thoughts. In other words...every negative thought you think actually causes additional negative feelings in your body.

Here is a good analogy for explaining how these shocks to the nervous
system affect us:

What do you think would happen...if you were to remove the front panel from an
electrical breaker-box in your home, and, with the power left ON, you start poking
around among inside with a screwdriver? Eventually, you would likely get
an electric shock, right? And of course, it is just as likely that you would disrupt the
electricity flowing through the electrical system inside. This resulting "electrical system
disruption" can cause power outages in your home.

Well, the human body also has a similar system of electrical signal pathways, known as
nerves, that actually work very much like the electronics inside the breaker-box
(only far more complex). Whenever we have a negative thought, our body's nervous system
receives a similar type of "SHOCK" from it.

Believe it or not, EVERY ONE of these neuro-electrical shocks to your nervous
system actually triggers your fight or flight response!

These shocks, in turn, cause the intense emotional anguish (emotional trash) you feel
whenever you think about that negative experience or fear. Hence, every time you think
a negative thought, or whenever you remember any aspects about a negative experience you've had, your nervous system receives another shock, which triggers your fight or flight response, yet again!

It is due to these repeated neuro-electrical shocks to your nervous system that your
"FIGHT or FLIGHT" response is being automatically activated – over and over and over.

For thousands of years, our internal fight or flight response has saved our ancestors from countless life-threatening situations, such as being chased by predators.
However, since you are constantly being bombarded with stress and anxiety,
your brain does not always know when it is safe to "switch off" your fight or
flight alert mode.

Therefore, your body and mind can subtly remain stuck in the fight or flight
mode -- without you even realizing it.

                     And that is definitely NOT a good thing!

You see, your internal fight or flight response, which can help to save your life
when you are confronted with a life or death situation,
can also remain
switched ON

This same fight or flight response is also responsible, to some degree, for the
emotional trash that human beings deal with, everyday!!


Did you know that your fight or flight response can actually be triggered by merely
thinking about, imagining, or remembering something that frightens you?

Here I will illustrate how your negative thoughts, worries, fears and self doubts can
compound the shocks to your nervous system, thus activating your fight or flight
response-- many times over...

Have you ever seen somebody who was extremely afraid of heights? Or, maybe they
had an intense fear of public speaking? Frequently, this person wouldn't even NEED to
go up in a high place, or be speaking to a crowd, in order to be petrified by fear.

Even just IMAGINING they are doing these scary things is enough to get a
person trembling
(and I should know, since I used to have a fear of heights, and a
fear of public speaking)

Now, allow me to repeat this, because it's VERY IMPORTANT...Your fight or flight response can actually be triggered by merely imagining something that frightens you! Plus, if you imagine yourself being in that same situation again, you will create yet another shock to your nervous system, thus triggering your fight or flight response, yet again!!

As the world renowned neurologist, Sigmund Freud, stated...
"Anxiety is commonly converted into physical symptoms and nervous reactions."

Even the American Academy of Family Physicians now emphasizes that...
"Your body responds to the way you think, feel and act. When you are stressed,
anxious, or upset, your body tries to tell you that something isn’t right."

Those are profound statements, because they so elegantly reinforce the second-to-last
sentence from Dr. Payne's quote
(see above)..."Every thought we think influences
the atoms, molecules, and cells throughout the body."

those shocks can actually remain locked in your nervous system –

The panicky sensation you feel from experiencing these electrical shocks is similar
(only to a smaller degree) to the way in which you might react as soon as you realize
you're about to fall down stairs, or slip on the ice. It is then, that your body quickly and
naturally tenses up as you
"brace yourself for the impact."

This is because even just thinking about something bad happening is still enough to
cause strong electrical shocks throughout your nervous system – even though you're
not really experiencing the frightening fall.


                                 Try this quick experiment:
For a few minutes, try concentrating deeply on something that terrifies you, tremendously.

                                                                             For example:
Imagine that you are driving your car with your family inside, and you're heading toward
a busy intersection, when all of a sudden, you hit a patch of slick ice, and no matter what you do--you cannot stop your car!! Just then, you see a big, fast-moving truck – coming from your left, that has also lost control on the ice, and is

               HEADED STRAIGHT TOWARD YOU!       

Really concentrate your thoughts on just how afraid this life-threatening incident
would make you feel.

Now, ask yourself....

How does imagining this scary scenario make me FEEL?

What's going on in my body right now?

Do I feel any difference when I'm thinking about it?

Has my breathing suddenly changed in any way?

Do I feel more tense or stressed than I was before I started thinking about this?

That tension you're likely feeling is directly caused by your own fight
or flight response being activated, and making you feel nervous,
worried, or stressed out.

Once your fight or flight response has been triggered by these terrifying thoughts,
it will be far easier for it to be triggered again....which will create more negative
thoughts....that will trigger the fight or flight response yet again....which in turn, will
create even MORE negative feelings....and so on, and so on. Soon you will have this
never-ending loop of negative emotions and feelings taking place – creating a snowball
effect, thus adding ever more layers of negative junk to your emotional trash heap.

It becomes a vicious unending cycle of compounding negative thoughts and
fears creating more negative feelings....which then causes even more negative
thoughts and fears to surface!
In addition...EVERY TIME you have a negative thought or emotion, it causes the powerful neuro-electrical shocks to create additional neuro-electrical shocks throughout your nervous system! As I've stated earlier, that's where that stressful feeling of fear comes from.

Plus, these neuro-electrical shocks will also continue to build up in size and strength,
exponentially, over time, thus enhancing their overall snowball effect....until it morphs
into an ongoing condition of emotional turmoil, and may even force your anger to become self-destructive, or self sabotaging!

It is these repeated neuro-electrical shocks to your nervous system that are causing
your recurring fears, self doubts, worries, negative thoughts, hesitations...or in other
words, those shocks are directly building up your emotional trash heap to enormous levels!

And, you can eventually become CONDITIONED....which means, you
will STAY this way.

This is precisely why older athletes tend to display more insecurities
and fears than the younger athletes.

                                                 Think about this:
Have you ever wondered why so many more older athletes tend to be more cautious,
and have more debilitating self doubts and mental blocks than younger athletes?
This is due to the fact that the older athletes have experienced far more compounding
neuro-electrical shocks
negatively affecting their nervous systems. This unwanted
reactive conditioning is responsible for causing their insecurities and fears, thus
inevitably diminishing their ability to react effectively when they are required to,
such as during a championship.

Most younger athletes, on the other hand, have not yet accumulated the overwhelming
buildup of negative thoughts and beliefs. And, since they've not yet been conditioned by all of that continuous negativity, these younger athletes will frequently think of
themselves as being more or less "invincible," and are often much more willing to take
risks that the older, more insecure, athletes – who would not dare to attempt for fear of being hurt, or embarrassed.

Why do you think the military prefers to target 18 year old men and women as their
new recruits? It's simply because, the younger they are, the more likely they are to still
believe themselves to be "bullet-proof." This brings up a question that may have been
asked repeatedly on the battlefields throughout history (or words to this effect)...

"Why do rookies boldly go – where veterans fear to tread?"

Essentially, since an athlete (or anybody, for that matter) will ALWAYS have these nasty shocks continually triggering their paralyzing fight or flight response, thus causing their insecurities and fears to multiply (creating even more emotional trash), what's needed is an effective treatment method that has the ability to clear out the effects of these shocks in the athlete's nervous system, so that he or she will be able to perform at their peak efficiency, with the most lucid clarity...anytime they are called upon to do so.


But what can YOU do to counter the paralyzing effects of this relentless fight or
flight response?

While you cannot systematically eliminate your fight or flight response (nor would you
ever want to). You can, however, counteract its negative effects by
desensitizing it just enough so that it will no longer have any negative effect
on you, or your emotions!

Then, once your fight or flight response is no longer an enemy of yours, those distressing anxiety issues that you've been struggling with will no longer have any affect on you, either. Therefore your emotional and mental abilities to perform as desired will be completely restored.

In addition, since you will remain calm and confident at all times, whatever you attempt to accomplish in life will be easier, and you'll be able to think much more clearly than you ever had before!

              Here is a Potentially 'Life-Saving' Benefit:
Desensitizing your fight or flight response will also help you to neutralize the
indecisiveness you might feel if you are ever faced with a life or death situation.
Thus, allowing you to make better decisions in a logical manner as to what would be your best course of action in any given stressful situation (whereas, other people would simply panic).

If you're concerned that you will lose your inherent fight or flight response,
completely. Don't worry, this training course will merely desensitize the negative
aspects of the fight or flight response, just enough so that having negative
thoughts will be far less able to produce the powerful shocks to your nervous
system that are responsible for causing negative emotions, such as fears, self
doubts, worries, etc., throughout your body.

So, now we know that, what is needed to break this continuous cycle is an effective
treatment procedure that can gradually WEAR DOWN the ability of your fight or flight
response to cause your anxious thoughts, fears, and other stressful internal conflicts
that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.

It is only after you have sufficiently desensitized your reactive fight or flight
response that you will begin to release your fears, self doubts, worries, negative
thoughts, mental blocks, etc. – FOREVER!

Now that may sound like a rather bold statement, but it IS A FACT....and you
WILL see just what I mean...while you're gaining positive results with this

training course.


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What's the Most Effective Solution to Your Anxiety Issues?

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