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 Course Pages:

Table of Contents

Read THIS Page First

What Causes Your Anxiety?

Your Best Anxiety Solution

Frequently Asked Questions - 1

Points Locations

Procedure For Use

Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions - 2

Course Requirements

 Course Layout & Structure

Module 1
 Removing Emotional Trash

Module 2
 Helping You Feel Better

Module 3
 Helping You Move

Module 4  Parents' Program

Module 5 – Siblings' Program

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     Frequently Asked Questions Part 1
About the Tap8 Power-Tapping:

These questions only address what
Tap8 Power-Tapping is, where it came from,
and what it can do for you.

For questions regarding this course itself, see FAQ – Part 2

So then, what exactly is Tap8 Power-Tapping, and where did it come from?

Tap8 Power-Tapping is a very simple tapping treatment method that has been shown to be highly effective for dramatically reducing the anxiety, stress, fears and addictive natures of various psychological issues.

The process of using Power-Tapping involves gentle tapping with your fingertips on eight specific acupressure points on your body. Even though acupressure point stimulation (tapping) often looks, to many people, like the most ridiculous thing they've ever seen, this simple act of tapping has the inherent ability to positively affect your body's nervous system, which can greatly lower your anxiety levels, to the point of where you will no longer feel the strong stress or fears.

The tapping is the key ingredient in
Tap8 Power-Tapping that is necessary for completely neutralizing your anxiety.

Has this type of treatment been approved by the American Psychological Association as a legitimate 'evidence-based' treatment methodology?

Yes, the American Psychological Association journal Review of General Psychology has approved the simple tapping methodology I use in all of my Tap8 Power-Tapping courses.

The current status of Power-Tapping as an "evidence-based" practice is summarized in this statement by the American Psychological Association:

"A literature search identified 50 peer-reviewed papers that report or investigate clinical outcomes following the tapping of acupressure points to address psychological issues. The 17 randomized controlled trials in this sample were critically evaluated for design quality, leading to the conclusion that they consistently demonstrated strong effect sizes and other statistical results that far exceed chance after relatively few treatment sessions. Criteria for evidence-based treatments proposed by Division 12 of the American Psychological Association were also applied and found to be met for a number of conditions, including PTSD."

But I don't understand how clearing these electrical signal shocks in my body can have any effect on my stress and anxieties?

Every negative thought to which you have an emotional connection creates an electrical signal shock in your nervous system.
PLUS, if that isn't bad enough...every time we think about that negative thought, those electrical shocks multiply. Thus, severely compounding our anxiety by causing many additional negative emotions and feelings to surface. Needless to say, it can get pretty jammed up in our energetic pathways. By tapping on just 8 of your acupressure points, you weaken and dissolve the energetic signal shocks that are causing your negative feelings and fears.
Once these shocks are cleared out, you will no longer feel strong emotions from those issues.
You will still be able to remember everything as you have always, but you will no longer FEEL the emotional anxiety when thinking about them.
The anxious thoughts will simply have little, or no effect on you.

How does my nervous system affect whether I feel good or not?

What happens when you think of a happy, positive thought? You feel happy all over, and you may even feel like smiling or laughing, don't you? Of course, the reverse is also true that when you have painful, negative thoughts, you feel down, and certainly not so happy. Well, all of your thoughts and memories, whether positive or negative, are stored in your brain. But all of your feelings that you feel from those thoughts, whether positive or negative,
are stored throughout your nervous system.

Do our negative emotions really affect our physical health?

Yes, most definitely!
There are numerous research data proving our negative emotions do, indeed, have a profoundly negative effect on our physical health.

For example, have you ever felt a tension headache that was triggered by stress or high pressure?
Or, have you ever had your mouth feel very dry, and your palms get sweaty when you are feeling nervous or afraid?
Or, have you ever noticed a wonderfully strange feeling all over when falling in love?
These are both excellent examples of how our emotions can affect our physical selves.

What does tapping on these eight Tap8 Power-Tapping points actually do, anyway?

It is this continuous tapping on your eight Power-Tapping points, while focusing your full attention on the FEELINGS you get from your anxiety issues, that gradually desensitizes, and dissolves the emotional charge you commonly feel from those fearful issues. This very simple physical act of tapping on your eight Power-Tapping points while you are focusing your full attention on your problematic issue, quickly weakens that intense negative emotional CHARGE you feel from your anxieties.

Does this Tap8 Power-Tapping course utilize a different recovery process than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Yes, absolutely!

Over the years I have heard several chronic anxiety, and OCD sufferers refer to traditional CBT as..
                                                     "Cruel & Barbaric Torture"

The main difference with Tap8 Power-Tapping is, you are never forced to feel the intense anxiety without having an effective means of clearing away that anxiety very quickly. Within minutes, the Tap8 Power-Tapping effectively dissolves that intense charge we tend to feel from our anxieties.

If a therapist was treating you, using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, they would have you start out by applying the CBT treatment on your weakest fearful obsessions first. Then, over the course of the next several weeks, or even months, they would have you build up to your strongest, most intense fears.

However, with
Tap8, that is not necessary, due to the fact that we have the calming effects of the Tap8 Power-Tapping, you can now work on ANY ISSUE you'd like from the very beginning! With this Tap8 Power-Tapping course, it is the continuous tapping on your tapping points that makes the real permanent changes take place in your life!

This makes the Tap8 Power-Tapping method faster...and far less stressful.

Why has Tap8 Power-Tapping become so popular among anxiety sufferers?

This Tap8 Power-Tapping course is so effective for ending our anxious thoughts the minute they pop up, because...when you use the Tap8 procedure, you are able to quickly neutralize the anxiety you're feeling from your negative thoughts. Therefore, if someone is having a very stressful day, they can simply tap out the emotional intensity that is causing their anguish.

Why is the Tap8 Power-Tapping system so much more effective than anything else for treating anxiety?
In a word:  "Simplicity"

Tap8 Power-Tapping system is simpler to learn, easier to remember and use than most other treatment methods available. Plus, the Tap8 Power-Tapping treatment process is far less stressful and less painful than conventional treatments.

Actually, a second word could also be used to help encompass the efficacy of the
Tap8 Power-Tapping system:
8 Power-Tapping
utilizes an extremely effective, simplified protocol of acupressure point tapping, while focusing your attention on your distressing anxiety issues. Tap8 Power-Tapping then has you repeating that same process over and over and over -- until your stress is gone.
It is this simple process of continuous repetition that will help you see real results materialize, very quickly!

Is the Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure difficult to learn?

Not at all...
There are only a few short and simple steps involved. I have designed the Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure to be as simple as possible... so that virtually ANYBODY can quickly learn, remember, and use it on a daily basis to get precisely the results they are actively seeking on their own...whenever, and wherever they need help!
Tap8 Power-Tapping is so simple - even children are using it successfully, everyday - with ease!

How do I know what I should be concentrating on while I am tapping?

Think about how anxious and nervous a particular anxiety issue makes you FEEL.
If your issue makes you feel worried, focus your attention on what's making you FEEL worried.
If you're afraid of being embarrassed, then concentrate on whatever is making you FEEL that way.
If you are feeling angry about something, then focus your attention on how that is making you FEEL.
If you're afraid that you won't feel safe while out in public, then focus your attention on your FEELINGS of being unsafe.

Have you noticed that I often capitalize the word FEEL? That's because your feelings are so important for achieving success with the Tap8 Power-Tapping procedures.

Please also see the next question.

What is THE most important thing needed for eliminating anxiety using this Tap8 Power-Tapping course?

You MUST be willing to allow yourself to FEEL the intensity of the emotional distress from your issues.

To help illustrate how this works, I would like you to think back to a time in your life when you felt VERY frightened. When you were so scared that you felt you could barely move. If you cannot think of any such frightening events, think about something that scares you immensely... whether it is one of your fears, phobias, or anxious thoughts. Or, just imagine how you would respond if somebody suddenly threw a live rattlesnake in your lap...that would cause you to have an IMMEDIATE reaction, wouldn't it?

I need you to intensely FOCUS your attention on how that fear actually FEELS to you.
THIS is precisely the best way for you to feel while you're using this
Tap8 Power-Tapping course.

What usually happens to my anxiety while I am tapping through the
Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure?

The Tap8 Power-Tapping has the power to dramatically reduce the emotional "STING" you're feeling from your anxiety issues, and fears! The tapping actually calms your nerves to the point where you will no longer feel stressed.

What may surprise you is that the
Tap8 Power-Tapping can, and often does, make you completely FORGET about what it was you were tapping for in the first place. By that, I mean the tapping will often calm your nerves so much that the anxiety you were feeling prior to tapping will frequently vanish completely.

Now, this may sound like a blessing to many sufferers, but sometimes this will present a different kind of challenge, because some users will get the impression that they no longer
need to do any more tapping for any other issues.
But, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you
tap through ALL of your issues.

So then, why hasn't anything I've ever done before this worked for controlling my anxieties?

Probably the biggest reason why traditional psychotherapies don't work for controlling your anxieties is this:

They don't act to neutralize the INTENSITY of the anxiety caused by your emotional trash!

The simple fact is...if you don't SPECIFICALLY target your underlying emotions that are causing the pain of your anxieties...then how can you expect to be completely and permanently free of your anxieties?

This Tap
8 Power-Tapping course directly targets and neutralizes the anxiety from your negative thoughts, doubts, fears, etc.

How is this Tap8 Power-Tapping course different from the other anxiety treatment programs and books on the market?

This Tap8 Power-Tapping course targets the emotional distress caused by your ANXIOUS THOUGHTS.

You see, it is your underlying anxious thoughts that are causing the distress you feel whenever you have a negative thought, worry, or fear. And it is this emotional distress that creates the desire to tranquilize your anxiety.

                                                                      For example,
When somebody habitually drinks alcohol to "numb their pain," what are they REALLY meaning to accomplish? Are they drinking alcohol because they really enjoy the taste of it? Probably not. Aren't they really attempting to TRANQUILIZE the anxiety they're feeling with alcohol, which offers a 'numbing effect' on their nervous system?

Tap8 Power-Tapping courses do not specifically target the substance or behavioral addictions, because they are merely the TOOLS (or crutches) that are being used to tranquilize ones anxiety. Instead, Tap8 Power-Tapping focuses on eliminating the underlying emotional distress of the anxiety you feel from your anxious thoughts. We can now effectively remove that emotional link you have to an issue, so you will no longer feel any need for consuming alcohol, drugs, etc. The Tap8 Power-Tapping treatment courses are specifically designed to remove the emotional intensity of the distress you feel whenever you think about one of your anxiety-causing issues.

So then, are you implying that this Tap8 Power-Tapping course can actually cure an alcoholic's addiction?

Although many of my
Tap8 Power-Tapping course users have commented that they have completely eliminated their cravings for many various addictive substances and behaviors,
I cannot, and do not, legally make any claims that Tap8 Power-Tapping has any ability to "cure" anything.

But I can say without any doubt, that these
Tap8 Power-Tapping courses have been extremely effective at dramatically reducing the anxiety sufferer's overwhelming need to tranquilize their underlying core anxiety issues.

I suffer from several variations of anxiety. Will the Tap8 Power-Tapping course work for me?

You are definitely NOT alone!
Many previous Tap8 Power-Tapping course users had been suffering with dozens of different anxiety issues. And, today, they have greatly reduced their anxious thoughts, fears, worries.

Whether the
Tap8 Power-Tapping course will help you or not depends entirely on how willing you are to allow the Tap8 Power-Tapping techniques to make the everlasting changes in your life. Therefore, your success with this program depends entirely on how badly you want to eliminate anxiety from your life, forever!

The Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure only works if you let it work!

You just need to STICK WITH IT...and KEEP TAPPING!

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Tap8 Power-Tapping Point Locations

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