Your FREE Self-Help Guide To
Transitioning Your
Transgender Mind


 Course Pages:

Table of Contents

Read THIS Page First

What Causes Your Anxiety?

Your Best Anxiety Solution

Frequently Asked Questions - 1

Points Locations

Procedure For Use

Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions - 2

Course Requirements

 Course Layout & Structure

Module 1
 Removing Emotional Trash

Module 2
 Helping You Feel Better

Module 3
 Helping You Move

Module 4  Parents' Program

Module 5 – Siblings' Program

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Where are the eight
8 Power-Tapping Points Located?


You will be clearing away the emotional intensity that your distressful issues cause you by gently, but firmly, tapping on the following eight (8) specific points on your body. The points in the Tap8 Power-Tapping course are commonly referred to as either "Power-Tapping points" or just "tapping points."

Every Tap
8 Power-Tapping
course utilizes the SAME 8 Power-Tapping points that you will need to tap on.
The first Power-Tapping point is located on the outside of either hand; one is on your upper-middle chest; five more Power-Tapping points are located on your face; and the eighth Power-Tapping point is located on the top-center of your head.

                                                      EXTREMELY IMPORTANT:

Here are the 8 Power-Tapping points that we use for every exercise in this Tap8 Power-Tapping course.

The first Power-Tapping point is called the Side of the Hand point.
The Side of the Hand point is located on the fleshy part of the hand on either hand, along the area between your little finger and wrist. If you try doing a karate chop with your hand...the Side of the Hand point is located on the bottom 'point of impact' -- where your hand touches the surface.

See this first tapping point
(number 1) on the illustration below...


There are seven (7) additional Tap8 Power-Tapping points...

Starting with the bottom (# 2) point and moving upwards, they are as follows:

Upper Chest Point (see number 2 on the diagram below)
Gently pat your whole hand flat over the area of your upper chest just below your throat...
just like you would if you were choking on food, only MUCH more gently.

Under Mouth (see number 3 on the diagram below)
Located directly below your mouth - in the middle - between your lower lip and chin.
Gently tap this area repeatedly using one or more fingers.

Under Nose (see number 4 on the diagram below)
Located directly below your nose, in the middle area between your nose and upper lip.
Gently tap this area repeatedly using one or more fingers.

Under Eye (see number 5 on the diagram below)
Located on the cheek bone, about one inch (2.5cm) directly below the pupil of either eye.
Gently tap this area repeatedly using one or more fingers.

Side of Eye (see number 6 on the diagram below)
Located on the bony area of the eye socket at the outside of either eye -- even with the pupil. Gently tap this area repeatedly using one or more fingers.

Inner Eyebrow (see number 7 on the diagram below)
Located at the beginning of either eyebrow, near the bridge of your nose.
If you keep all four fingers together, you can simply tap from one eyebrow across to the other.
That way you are tapping both the right and left Inner Eyebrow points at once.

Top of Head (see number 8 on the diagram below)
Located at the very top center area (crown) of your head. Gently pat the top of your head with all four of your fingers together. You can tap the top of your head in a circular pattern.

See the remaining 7 Power-Tapping points numbered on the illustration below:



                               Frequently Asked Questions
                      ...About The Tap
8 Power-Tapping Points:

How do I do the physical tapping?
How do I know if I am tapping too hard, or too soft?

The physical act of tapping on your Power-Tapping points can be as light or as hard as you prefer.
But I usually suggest that you tap the same way you would, as if you were tapping on somebody's
shoulder to get their attention. That is all the pressure that's needed to achieve excellent results.
You do not need a large amount of tapping pressure to make this work for you. Tap firmly, but gently.....
certainly not hard enough to hurt yourself.

Does it matter which hand I use for tapping on the 8 Power-Tapping points?

Not at all. It doesn't make any difference which hand you tap on, or that you tap with.
It's just a matter of preference for you. Either hand can be used for tapping on either side of your body.
And you can always switch off -- left, and right whenever you want to.
Always tap eight or more times on each Power-Tapping point when using the Tap8 procedure.

What should I do if I make a mistake while I'm tapping?

You don't need to worry about making mistakes.
Please keep in mind that the
Tap8 Power-Tapping routine is VERY FORGIVING.
If you forget to tap on a Power-Tapping point, or if you tap on the wrong point, this Tap8 Power-Tapping course will still work for you. This means that even if you miss a Power-Tapping point or two, you can still
gain positive benefits.

It is very difficult for you to make a major mistake with Tap8 Power-Tapping.
So, don't get stressed out if you think you've made a mistake. The important thing is that you are doing the tapping on your Power-Tapping points while you are concentrating deeply on your issue.

Also, if you do not feel comfortable about touching your face in the beginning, you can still receive positive results by just using the Side of the Hand point, the Upper Chest point, and the Top of Head point. However, it may take just a little longer to gain the full effect of diminishing the intensity of your strongest anxieties
this way.

There are also some other minor tapping points that I sometime teach to my clients for this reason. These other tapping points exist on the sides of the fingertips; and the top and bottom of each wrist.

What will I feel when I do the Power-Tapping procedures?

Typically, after doing a few complete rounds through all eight Power-Tapping points, most people feel a
sense of calm relaxation. Many course users even report feeling a deep sense of euphoria, and a feeling
of being at peace. I have even heard from a few people that they get so relaxed from using the

8 Power-Tapping courses
, they actually drift off to sleep!

Due to the relaxing nature of the
Tap8 Power-Tapping system, it may be safer for you to NOT do any tapping shortly before you anticipate operating a motor vehicle. Later on, after you've been using the
sequences for a while, you can tap before driving.

In fact, I often tap WHILE I am driving, to help me relax during bad weather, or in heavy traffic, etc.

Are there any negative side effects caused by doing the Power-Tapping?

There no known negative side effects from tapping! However, you should still read the risk disclosure.

The Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure only works if you let it work!
You just need to STICK WITH IT....and KEEP TAPPING!

To learn how to use the Tap8 Power-Tapping procedure...

Please go to page 0-7
Procedure For Using Tap8

Table Of Contents

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