Your FREE Self-Help Guide To
Transitioning Your
Transgender Mind


 Course Pages:

Table of Contents

Read THIS Page First

What Causes Your Anxiety?

Your Best Anxiety Solution

Frequently Asked Questions - 1

Points Locations

Procedure For Use

Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions - 2

Course Requirements

 Course Layout & Structure

Module 1
 Removing Emotional Trash

Module 2
 Helping You Feel Better

Module 3
 Helping You Move

Module 4  Parents' Program

Module 5 – Siblings' Program

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Transitioning Your
 Transgender Mind

Training Courses

8 Power-Tapping Course – Practice Exercises

Here you will use practice exercises to help you get a good feel for how the Tap8 Power-Tapping course tapping procedure actually works.

Below, there are several excellent practice exercises I've included that will help you feel more relaxed and at ease while using this
Tap8 Power-Tapping course.

Please tap through every practice exercise...even if the subject of the statement doesn't directly apply to your situation. It is the PRACTICING that matters here, not the subject of the statements listed.

Perform ALL of these Practice Exercises! Please don't skip any of them!

These specialized practice exercises will greatly help to condition your nervous system, as well as set your subconscious in the correct frame of mind, which will quickly correct any existing Psychological Reversals that may be deterring your best efforts to achieve your goals.

Psychological Reversals are the primary reason for why we typically fail at trying to break bad habits.
And they are also the reason for why most diets, along with other goals we make, tend to fail. Therefore, reconditioning your mind and nervous system is absolutely essential, so you will be ready to allow permanent, positive, changes to take place throughout your life.

So, make sure you perform ALL of the practice exercises in this section!!

8 Course – Practice Power Phrases:

Tap continuously on each Power-Tapping point while you say each statement once – out loud.
Then go to the next Power-Tapping point, and repeat the statement once – out loud, while tapping.

Remember to take a deep breath and BLOW IT OUT after you complete each Tap8 Power-Tapping round (tap through all 8 Power-Tapping points, then take a deep breath and exhale slowly).

Even though I feel all this stress in my life,
I CHOOSE to relax, and allow
Tap8 to improve my life.

Even though I have all these doubts about this silly tapping stuff actually working for me,
I CHOOSE to be open to the possibility that it could work for me.

Even though I feel very skeptical about this tapping being able to reduce my stress and anxiety,
I CHOOSE to just relax, and give it a serious try.

Even though I am worried this tapping might not work for MY intense issues,
I CHOOSE to feel calm and confident while I am tapping through all of the exercises!

Even though I am having a difficult time accepting that I need help with my anxiety issues,
I CHOOSE to allow this Tap8 Power-Tapping course to help me create a better life.

Even though I feel all of this is just TOO HARD, and I don't want to deal with learning this,
I CHOOSE to relax and allow myself to take this course one step at a time, so I will feel better.

Even though I don't feel worthy of having anything good in my life,
I CHOOSE to be open to allowing good and positive things to come into my life!

Even though I feel this resistance to allowing these changes to take place in my life,
I CHOOSE to release ALL of this resistance, and I WELCOME massive improvements in my life!

Even though I feel that asking for help is like admitting I have a weakness,
I CHOOSE to give permission to this Tap8 course in helping me to get rid of my anxieties.

Even though I feel helpless, because this anxiety & stress have so much control over me,
I CHOOSE to feel completely safe, and I release my anxiety issues, completely.

Even though I STILL feel afraid that this Tap
8 Power-Tapping course won't work for me,
I CHOOSE to keep my mind open and do my best to complete all of the exercises as outlined.

Even though I STILL feel a little skeptical about this Tap
8 Power-Tapping working for me,
I CHOOSE to suspend my disbelief, and give it a solid chance to remove my anxieties.

Now, as soon as you've finished tapping through each of the practice exercises, take a deep breath and slowly BLOW IT OUT, then relax.


Once you start using the Tap8 Power-Tapping Course exercises, you will follow these slightly different directions...

Select the first negative statement on your list, and mentally visualize
(imagine) yourself being
directly exposed to that issue and feeling it just as though it was actually happening to you right now...and notice how much anxiety you feel when you imagine yourself actually being exposed to that issue.

Then give that level of stress and anxiety a number rating from 0 - 10

(jot this number down) (with 0 meaning that you feel no anxiety at all; and 10 meaning that you feel extreme anxiety).

Concentrate Deeply
on the issue, and then tap, tap, tap – continuously, until all of your emotional distress from that issue is GONE (when your number rating drops to ZERO)!

Now, check to see how you feel about that issue.
Notice whether or not the anxiety you now feel from that issue has decreased from how it felt before you started tapping. If you still feel some remaining anxiety from the issue, give it a number on the 0 - 10 point scale. If your level of anxiety is above a 0 (zero), then you should do additional rounds of the Power-Tapping on all 8 points just like before. Your goal is to reduce your anxiety down to zero (no anxiety remaining)
by repeating this process.

Keep repeating this process until you don't feel any anxiety from that issue (when you feel your anxiety drop to zero).

I've included these illustrations just in case you forget where
the eight Tap8 Power-Tapping points are located...


Remember, Practice Makes Perfect!
repetition, repetition, the mother of all learning
(and in this is also the key to improving).

So just KEEP works!!

Keep tapping everyday...there is NO WAY to do the Tap8 Power-Tapping wrong!
As long as you're tapping and concentrating on's working!

Please read through page 0-9
Frequently Asked Questions
Part 2

Table Of Contents

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