Why do you so
strongly advise against having any alcohol or drugs while
using this course?
intensity of your anxiety MUST NOT be tranquilized in any
You see, in order for
the Tap8
Power-Tapping to work
for reducing your anxiety, it is absolutely necessary for
you to allow yourself to FEEL your anxieties as strongly as
It is only when you are feeling your anxiety, that
the tapping will help to alleviate that anxiousness.
However, if you are suppressing (tranquilizing) your anxiety
with alcohol or drugs, then the Power-Tapping will
not be as effective as it could be.
Also, see next
Why is it
better to do the Tap8
exercises without taking my anxiety medications?
It is best to use
Power-Tapping exercises when you are able to FEEL the MOST
distress from your anxiety issues.
The Tap8
Power-Tapping works to
gradually wear down
and weaken the
intensity you feel from your anxieties. However, if you are
medicated, then you will not be able to FEEL the anxiety as
strongly. Delaying the use of your anxiety medication even
for a while (but
ONLY if it's safe for you to do so),
might help you eliminate your
anxieties much more quickly using the
techniques. You should also avoid using any pain relievers,
and/or alcohol prior to, and during the use of the
Why do I have
to tap on so many similar aspects of the same negative
In case you're
wondering why you are tapping through several similar
aspects of the same issue, clearing out a negative emotion
is very much like trying to dig a large rock out of the
ground. If you were to dig at the rock from only one
direction, it would likely take you a very long time to dig
it out. However, when you dig away the dirt all around the
rock from every direction, the rock will come out much
easier. That is why it is often necessary to
target each anxiety issue from multiple directions - by
releasing the tight grip the anxiety issue has on your
subconscious mind.
Why am I
supposed to focus on the negative issue I'm trying to
Shouldn't I be focusing my attention on strictly positive
thoughts instead?
Whenever you remove a
negative issue, be it a negative thought, fear, emotion,
anxiety or whatever, you MUST replace it with a POSITIVE
affirmation. And that is precisely why the
Power-Tapping course
example phrases are worded the way they are.
You first need to tap
out a negative issue, and then immediately introduce a new
positive affirmation in its place.
And, the process of
repeating the positive affirmation over and over, following
the removal of the negative issue
in question, effectively serves to cement the new positive
concept into its permanent position within your subconscious
This process also permanently links this positive
affirmation to that negative issue,
if you should ever
again think of that negative issue in the future!
So, why is
mind-balancing necessary for a healthy life?
What happens to you when you lose your balance? You usually
fall down, right? It's a simple law of physics.
Maintaining proper balance while standing, walking,
climbing, or whatever, is very important. While it's true
we'll fall down when our body is out of balance, it is also
just as accurate that when our mind is out of balance,
we tend to experience many troubling psychological and
emotional issues.
Our long-term unresolved negative emotions can also
eventually lead to serious illnesses and diseases.
The Tap8
Power-Tapping dissolves
this emotional link between your mind and the unresolved
negative emotions.
Thus, allowing you to clear out the negative emotional
intensity from your anxieties.
Balance is
everything. And, everything is balance.
This entire Tap8
Power-Tapping course is based upon
one very simple and defining purpose:
To rapidly
clear away the stressful emotional charge you feel from your
emotional trash that's coming from your subconscious mind.
What causes my stress & anxiety?
While nobody really
knows precisely what causes anxiety, we do understand what
electrical reactions occur within the brains of fear and
panic sufferers. Typically, severe anxiety sufferers tend to
experience a much higher than normal level of electrical
activity taking place in the circuits that connect the
frontal cortex, the striatum, and the thalamus areas of the
This Tap8
Power-Tapping course can quickly help you to correct this
imbalance of electrical activity within
the brain, so that you will no longer feel distress from
your anxieties. Then your anxieties will no longer have
effect on you!
Where do my fears come from?
Some psychotherapists
claim that our fears often come from being worried that we
will not know what to do, or how to handle various types of
unknown situations that MAY arise. This 'unknowing' can then
cause our fears.
I consider the word
to be an acrostic for
Does it matter how long I've had these
anxieties and other issues?
No. It doesn't make any
difference, whatsoever, how long you have been dealing with
your anxious thoughts.
The only thing that matters now, is that you are willing to
do what is necessary, using this Tap8
to rid yourself of your anxiety, forever!
Why hasn't
anything I've ever done in the past worked for controlling
my anxieties?
Probably the biggest reason for why traditional
psychotherapies don't work for controlling your anxieties is
don't act to neutralize the DISTRESS of the anxiety caused
by your negative emotions!
The simple fact is...if you don't SPECIFICALLY target your
underlying emotions that are causing the pain of your
anxieties...then how can you expect to be completely and
permanently free of your anxieties?
This Tap8
Power-Tapping course
directly targets and neutralizes the anxiety from your
negative thoughts, doubts, fears, etc.
Are the
results I'll receive from using the
really permanent?
Yes, in most cases, the
anxiety reduction results you will receive from this
Power-Tapping course
typically tend to be permanent. The fact is, once you detach
the emotional connection you have to a negative issue, the
resulting release does tend to be permanent!
If, at anytime in the
future, it appears that an issue is "resurfacing," it is
likely due to a DIFFERENT ASPECT of an issue is just now
popping up that you hadn't tapped for before. If this
occurs, simply use the
procedure to clear away the anxiety from that issue.
How long will
it take to learn to use, and get positive results with this
This depends on three important questions:
How open you
are to using this Tap8
Power-Tapping course as outlined?
How much time
you devote to using this Tap8
Power-Tapping course?
How willing you are to allow your anxieties and fears
surface, so that this
Power-Tapping course can work to eliminate them forever?
It should only take most people a day or two to become
proficient at using this
I want all of my Tap8
users to gain the most benefits from this course as quickly
as possible. Therefore, the instruction and practice
exercise sections have been purposely kept very short and
simple for you.
Power-Tapping course
users notice a profound reduction in their anxieties within
a week
or two.
However, many users
notice some results even after the first day of using this
I have heard from several
users who do the tapping as often as possible throughout the
day, and then again just before bedtime!
patient, change takes time...this is a process, not an
Fortunately, I have designed the
to make your lifelong changes happen as quickly and
painlessly as possible! By using the powerful tools included
in the Tap8
Power-Tapping system on
a daily basis, we can literally eliminate the trauma from
these distressing issues that are causing your negative
and fears.
Of course, like anything else you do in life, it all depends
on how much effort YOU are willing to put into using
this course.
process WORKS...
just stick with it!
Does it make
any difference where I use the
When starting this
it is best if you can be someplace where you won't be
or distracted.
That means, please
turn OFF your TV & cell phone!
That way you can focus your FULL ATTENTION on your anxious
thoughts, doubts, and fears. It's only when you are fully
focused on your negative issues, that you will be able to
remove the anxieties from your life!
So, why has
this Tap8
type of
treatment method never been used on any reality television
Mostly because the psychological community is notoriously
SLOW at accepting new alternative healing techniques,
regardless of how effective they may have already been shown
to be for most people.
Also, because Tap8
Power-Tapping tends to
work so quickly at eliminating the anxiety that causes
phobias, panic, addictions, etc. that it probably wouldn't
make for a very profitable TV show. By that, I mean, using
standard Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a typical course of
treatment can take many months to produce even minimal (if
any) results.
Whereas, by using Tap8
Power-Tapping, complete
and permanent results are typically experienced by the user
in just a few days (or less)! I have even had several
clients of mine resolving some of their intense anxiety and
phobia issues in just ONE
Power-Tapping session.
What can I
expect to gain from this
will quickly help you dissolve the emotional links you feel
to your anxious thoughts and fears! You will see a
noticeable reduction in the anxiety caused by your negative
issues. By completing each exercise in the
you will be reducing more and more of your anxiety each day.
How are such
consistently impressive results accomplished?
These results are accomplished by permanently dissolving the
emotional links you feel to your negative thoughts
by simply tapping on your Power-Tapping points on a daily
basis. Only after the emotional link is dissolved will your
anxious thought or fear no longer have any control on your
am repeating this question from earlier...
Do our negative emotions really affect our
physical health?
Yes, most definitely!
There are numerous
research data proving that our stressful negative emotions
do, indeed, have a profoundly negative effect on our
physical health. For example, have you ever felt a tension
headache that was triggered by your feelings of stress and
Also, have you ever had your mouth feel very dry, and your
palms get sweaty when you are feeling nervous?
These are both excellent examples of how our emotions can
affect our physiology.
This tapping stuff looks pretty silly to me.
What if I don't want to do the tapping, because I'd feel
rather embarrassed doing it, or if I don't believe that it
would work for me?
Then simply don't use it!
Nobody is pointing a
gun at your head, and forcing you to get rid of your anxious
thoughts and fears! You will simply continue to suffer with
your fearful anxiety issues just as you do now. And, that's
entirely your own
personal prerogative!
You can either take a few moments to do the Power-Tapping
exercises as I've laid them out for you, and quite
eliminate your anxieties forever. Or, you can simply ignore
this course, and continue to "enjoy" dealing with your
never-ending frustrating and stressful anxiety issues for
the rest of your life!
what does it
really hurt to TRY IT OUT?
Hey, maybe you will be
pleasantly surprised with your results!
Doing the Tap8
Power-Tapping is NOT
difficult, folks. Simply find a private space or room where
you will not be disturbed. Then you can use this
in complete privacy. You can even do the tapping
on yourself in the dark if you want to. One highly effective
tapping method is to do the
Power-Tapping exercises
in front of a mirror, like in your bedroom, or in a
bathroom. Many Tap8
members also do the tapping while bathing. It all works
How can such a
short and simple program be so effective at eliminating my
The Tap8
GET FAST RESULTS, when other self-help programs on the
market simply fall flat!
Over the years, I have seen numerous self-help programs come
along, many of which include dozens of CDs,
DVDs, books, workbooks, personal journals, newsletters,
one-on-one coaching, and even free tickets to upcoming
seminars and conventions. Those so-called "gurus" are always
looking for new ways to keep adding MORE and MORE stuff in
order to "fluff up their programs," so it APPEARS as though
you are getting a lot more for your money!
An interesting fact about most of those other programs out
there that offer such an enormous amount of
materials, is that
VERY FEW buyers
actually use everything in those programs.
It just becomes TOO OVERWHELMING, and TOO CONFUSING for them
to study and use it all! People tend to experience a
phenomenon known as "Analysis-Paralysis." This is
where you have so much information available to you that you
essentially become overwhelmed by it all, and you even
become stuck...without knowing what you should do next.
I have taken a
completely opposite approach with all of my
I believe in adhering to the K.I.S.S. concept...
K.I.S.S. stands for
& Simple!
My philosophy during
the creation of this Tap8
Power-Tapping course has been:
"If it
does not absolutely NEED to be in there, then just leave it
That is why I have
purposely simplified and streamlined my
down to the bare minimum. I've included only what is
absolutely NECESSARY for you to eliminate your anxiety, and
make the most dramatic improvements in your life!
courses are so short and simple that most people can
actually FEEL results in
just a few minutes.
Will I ever have to be directly exposed to my
distressing anxieties and fears?
Power-Tapping only
requires you to become directly exposed to your obsessive
anxieties AFTER you have already sufficiently weakened your
distressful anxieties to the point where your anxious issues
are no longer
strong enough to cause you distress. Therefore, your anxious
thoughts will no longer exist anywhere in your life.
safe and
effective for children?
Yes, absolutely!
Children tend to get
even better results with the
than many adults. This is mainly due to the fact that
children have not yet been "preconditioned" to automatically
question, or resist new things as much as adults have been.
What frequently happens after some adults use this
is that... even after receiving excellent results, they
refuse to accept that it was, in fact, the 'tapping' that
made the profound differences in their lives. Many people
will claim that their amazing results were caused by
anything other than the tapping!
This phenomenon is known as The Apex Effect.
Who should use
the Tap8
should be used by anyone who may be suffering with any types
of stressful anxiety, panic issues, trauma, worries, self
doubts, fears and phobias, addictions, as well as many other
anxiety-caused life-affecting issues.
What should I do if I get another negative
thought sometime in the future?
That's easy....simply
use this Tap8
to clear out any anxiety-causing thoughts or fears
that may pop up in the future.
Won't I
tap away ALL of my emotions, BOTH positive and negative, by
doing this?
No, you don't need to worry about that. You won't lose your
positive emotions, and happy thoughts. You won't become an
emotionless zombie from doing the Power-Tapping. In fact,
after completing the course,
you will likely feel a new-found sense of well-being for the
rest of your life.
Plus, if you're ever feeling stressed at anytime in the
future, you will be able to simply use this Power-Tapping
technique to clear away that stress completely...usually in
just a few minutes.
am repeating this question from earlier, because it is so
How do I know what I should focus my
attention on while I am tapping?
Think about how your
anxiety issues make you FEEL If your issue makes you feel
worried, focus your attention on what's making you FEEL
worried. If you're feeling nervous about competing today,
then focus your attention on what's making you FEEL so
nervous. If you're feeling afraid to let your guard down,
focus your attention on whatever is making you FEEL that
way. If you FEEL like you won't be safe when you leave home,
then focus your attention on what's making you FEEL unsafe.
Have you noticed that I
often capitalize the word FEEL? That's because your
willingness to allow yourself to FEEL your stress and
anxiety is extremely important for achieving success with
the Tap8
This all sounds too good to be true, is it
too good to be true?
Let's answer this
question by using some simple examples of applying
acupressure that most people are already accustomed to
Common sense
tells you to gently rub your eyes when they start feeling
tired, sore and irritated, and this usually helps them to
feel better, right?
You already understand that if you gently massage the back
of your neck for a tension headache, this will usually help
you feel better.
If your leg, shoulder, or back starts aching, what do your
natural instincts tell you to do? You start rubbing
or massaging them to feel better, don't you?
These are all simple pain-relieving acupressure methods that
you've learned over the years.
your Power-Tapping points by tapping on them is just as
simple, but can work far more effectively than ANY of those
"OLD SCHOOL" methods. |