Your FREE Self-Help Guide To
Transitioning Your
Transgender Mind


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 Course Pages:

Table of Contents

Read THIS Page First

What Causes Your Anxiety?

Your Best Anxiety Solution

Frequently Asked Questions - 1

Points Locations

Procedure For Use

Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions - 2

Course Requirements

 Course Layout & Structure

Module 1
 Removing Emotional Trash

Module 2
 Helping You Feel Better

Module 3
 Helping You Move

Module 4  Parents' Program

Module 5 – Siblings' Program

Help Guide

Helpful Offers For You

 My Mission For Tap8 Courses
 Contact Us

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Transitioning Your
 Transgender Mind

Training Courses









You will need to accept the fact that there will be some new concepts involved with
this Tap
8 course that you may not yet understand very well, in the beginning.
But don't worry...everything will soon become clear to you.


  Tap8 Course Legal Disclaimer:

Please understand that I am neither a medical doctor, nor psychotherapist in the treatment of anxiety related disorders. This program reflects my own experiences and opinions, along with the personal experiences of countless clients, unless otherwise stated. The information presented in this Tap8 course is educational in nature and is provided as only general information.

This course is not a substitute for medical evaluation, medical treatment, psychological evaluation or psychotherapy. This course is designed to provide information on the subject matter covered. It is offered with the full understanding that the author is not rendering any kind of medical, psychological, or any other mental health services. If medical or psychological services are required, please contact your physician or mental health professional.


After using this course, many users have expressed that they no longer feel any need to continue with their medications or other treatments. However, you MUST understand that,
in no way is the author requiring you, or even suggesting, that you discontinue using your prescribed medications or other treatments. Always consult a trained mental health professional, and/or medical physician, before making any decision regarding medications and/or other prescribed treatments. Never discontinue medication without first consulting your physician, clinician, or therapist.

While these
Tap8 courses have produced remarkable results, the techniques used herein are still considered an experimental do-it-yourself, self-help tool.

By using this course, you fully agree to take complete (100%) responsibility for your use of these techniques, and for your own emotional, mental and physical well-being – both during, and after your use of this Tap8 course. and/or the author cannot be held liable in any way, shape, or form, for any harm you (or anyone else) may experience as a result from using this course, tapping, rubbing, pressing, holding, pounding, imagining, or for any other way in which you choose to use any, and all of these materials.

In no event shall, or any staff, sponsors, supporters, affiliates, associates, agents, sellers, promoters, merchants, etc. ever be held liable for any (real or implied) damages and/or injuries whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use or misuse of information, materials, images, photos, clip art, videos, products, services, and all resources offered in these Tap
8 courses, and on the entire Web site, blog site, or by any, and all other means of communication, whatsoever.

Although, many
8 course users have commented that they have greatly reduced their cravings or urges for many various addictive substances and behaviors (alcohol, drugs, junk foods, chocolate, pornography, sex, video games, etc.), the author cannot, and does NOT, legally make any claims that the procedures used in this Tap8 course (or any other courses) have any ability to "cure" anything. But I can say, that these Tap8 courses have been extremely effective at dramatically reducing the anxiety sufferer's overwhelming need to tranquilize their underlying core anxiety issues by consuming such substances, or engaging in such behaviors -- among many of the people who have used this Tap8 course.

Nothing contained herein is meant to be a substitute for proper medical advice or psychological supervision. All rights reserved, worldwide.


Tap8 Course Risk Disclosure:

There may be a small degree of risk in using this course.
Such risks include, but may not be limited to:


* Recalled memories of specific events, traumatic or otherwise, that may be upsetting to the user;

* Increased sense of sadness over losing the need for your anxiety-reducing rituals, or emotional crutches for those with OCD;

* The slim potential for depression over losing your "excuses" that you've been telling yourself and others as reasons why you cannot do something, such as going back to work or school;

If you do feel any of this sadness over your sense of losing your anxiety issues and emotional crutches, then please use the procedures in this course on the issues that are making you feel sad or depressed, until you are feeling better.

There is also a strong likelihood that losing your anxiety-causing beliefs may cause you to gain a new feeling of desire, motivation and ambition to make a fresh, new, start in your life!

Believe it or not, some people really do NOT want to make a fresh new start. They just want to stay where they are, and complain about their problems to whomever will listen to them!

****It is also possible that using this Tap8 course may make you feel a little drowsy in the beginning. Therefore, it is advised that you do not operate a motor vehicle just before, during, and immediately after using the procedures in this course, until you are familiar with the effects you get from these Tap8 techniques. The procedures in this course tend to RELAX the user so much that SOME people may even feel a little drowsy.

Just by taking the important step of using this program, you have started with your healing process!

Belief in these Tap8 techniques is not necessary to gain productive results...
but your willingness IS!


While you're using this Tap8 course, you may start to feel that the procedures are doing their job of weakening, and/or even eliminating your anxiety, and you might think that you don't need to do any more of the course exercises.

Believe me, when I say, that it is absolutely in your best interests to continue using the entire course – start-to-finish as it is outlined.

Here is an example of why it is so important for you to finish using this course....

Have you, or someone you know, ever had to take any kind of antibiotics for some kind of an infection? Have you ever wondered why the doctor requires you to take ALL of the medication until it's GONE? It is simply because, if you'd only take it until you start feeling better, and then stop taking it, your infection could quite easily return, and possibly become even worse than it was before.

This is precisely why I require you to use the ENTIRE course from start to finish as it is outlined. If you only clear out a few anxiety issues, without clearing out all of the possible distressful aspects of those issues, your anxiety could resurface.

I sincerely want you to gain the most benefit as possible from my
Tap8 courses.


 Tap8 Course Directions:

First: Please read through ALL initial instructional materials thoroughly, so you will have the best possible understanding of how this course works for you;

Second: Practice and memorize all of the Tap8 points of use (you will soon understand what this means).

Third: Perform ALL of the practice exercises on the Practice Exercise page! 
Do not skip any of them!

These specialized practice exercises will quickly condition your nervous system, as well as prime your subconscious mind, which will help to correct any preexisting negative programming that may be deterring your best efforts to improve and achieve your goals. This negative programming affects literally EVERY decision you make throughout of your life.

Negative subconscious programming is also the primary reason for why most people typically fail at trying to break bad habits.

For example...

Have you ever wondered why, no matter how hard somebody works to change a habit, they always seem to revert right back to where they were before they started? This is directly due to negative programming taking place in their mind. It is also directly responsible for the repeated failure of most diets, along with most other life-changing goals people make.

Negative programming tends to make it extremely difficult for you to make substantial changes on a consistent basis. Therefore, reconditioning your mind before you start this course is absolutely
IMPERATIVE. Only then will your mind will be ready to allow permanent, positive changes to take place in your life. So, please perform ALL
of the practice exercises on the Practice Exercise page!!

Fourth: Follow through on each of the steps in this course as they are presented.

It may be also necessary for you to repeat some of the sections several times...until you've achieved the complete and permanent results you're seeking.

Fifth: Please remember to make full use of the ongoing maintenance procedures, such as:

> Your Daily Stress-Clearing Tools;

> Reconditioning Your Nervous System - To Reject Negativity;

> Making Positive Self-Talk A Permanent Habit - Throughout Your Life;

> Visualizing Yourself Presenting Perfectly Everyday As Your TRUE Self;

These techniques will help to keep you feeling free of anxiety and stress forever!

You Don't Need to Rush Through This Tap
8 Course!

While you are reading through this course, you may begin to think that there are not very many pages included. That is because, I wrote my courses with the intention of simplifying everything as much as possible. I didn't add any unnecessary "fluff" to the courses, just to 'fill up the pages' and make it LOOK bigger. For your convenience, if something did not absolutely NEED to be in there, I purposely left it out.

I am not interested in writing a 400 page book that might sit on a bookshelf with all the other books that may or may not get read.

My Tap8 courses truly are unique.

Sincere Apologies...

If anything from this Tap8 course offends you or hurts your feelings in any way, please accept my sincere apologies. It is NEVER my intention to hurt your feelings. However, in order for you to eliminate your anxiety issues, this course may require you to feel some heightened momentary emotional discomfort.
This may be necessary for a few brief moments in order to help you recover from your anxiety issues and fears.

Much in the same way a dentist might need to cause you more pain for a few moments in order to solve your dental problem, that is precisely what is necessary while using this special course.


Also, since it is through sheer repetition that we learn and memorize new concepts, some aspects of this course might seem redundant. But that is necessary, as those aspects are of extreme importance to your gaining the results you are seeking by using this course!

So, please bear with me while using this course. And just remember that it's the CONTENT of this course (the techniques you will learn) that WILL make profound differences in EVERY area of your life.


One more thing, all of my Tap8 courses are written specifically for the traditional 'gender binary'. Meaning, Female-to-Male, or Male-to-Female; He or She.
My courses do NOT take into account other aspects of gender fluidity, such as gender neutral pronouns, Ze, Sie, Hir, Them, They, Their, etc. If I were to write a separate course for each gender neutral pronoun, or gender variance, I would be writing courses until I'm 100.

If the binary aspect of my courses offends you, then I am truly sorry about that. You can either try to work AROUND this issue, for the tremendous benefits you can gain by using my Tap8 courses, or you may abstain from using them, altogether.


Just in Case You're Feeling Skeptical About This Course...

Through my many years of using my special protocols to help hundreds of clients, I have discovered that, in the beginning, the vast majority of my clients tend to be highly skeptical of the procedures I teach.

Granted, it would seem rather unbelievable that such simple routines for clearing out your negative issues could possibly have any validity. However, the phenomenal results of anxiety clearing do not lie.

Let's explore some other well known facts that had originally seemed to be unbelievable when they were first introduced...

Let's start with the concept of electricity. You do not need to believe in the efficacy of electricity in order to know that it does turn the light on whenever you flip the switch. How do you know this to be true? It's because you have already flipped a light switch countless times throughout your life with typically perfect results. Therefore the effectiveness of electricity does not lie.

Another example:
You do not need to believe in the power of gravity in order to know that when you jump up in the air, you can expect with certainty that you will fall back to the ground. How do you know this to be true? It's because you have undoubtedly tried jumping up, and you've always returned to the ground. Therefore the results of gravity do not lie.

Over the years, I have heard hundreds of my clients exclaiming the words to the following effect..."There is no way this silly stuff could possibly work for me!!"

Typically, whenever I hear my clients saying this is "too good to be true", I tell them...
"Good, now I want you to continue believing that these Tap8 techniques cannot possibly have any positive effect on your issues, for the entire time we are using these them."

And, in EVERY case, my 'skeptical' clients are astonished when they quickly discover their new found freedom from their strong anxiety issues they've been dealing with for so long!

Your belief in this process is NOT EVEN NECESSARY for you to achieve the results you're seeking... but, your willingness to use it, IS NECESSARY!!

So, just be patient, and give yourself some time to be amazed with your own results with this course.

Gaining results with Tap8 a PROCESS, not an event!

A Few Words About
"Emotional Trash"

Whenever you see the words "Emotional Trash," I am simply referring to any and all of the negative emotional junk that might go through your mind everyday, such as your fears, worries, self doubts, negative self-talk, insecurities, etc. Emotional trash also encompasses all of those recurring negative beliefs that keep getting "in your way" of achieving your greatness!

No matter how many accomplishments you have made, and no matter how accomplished you may have become in whatever you do, there will always be that nasty little Doubting Demon residing in the back of your mind, doing everything he can to trip you up, and make you question yourself...repeatedly doubting yourself and your abilities! This Doubting Demon has been created directly from all those years of having numerous negative beliefs that have consequently taken a firm hold within your subconscious mind.

Of course, if you already live with excessive anxiety and fear, then I probably don't need to bore you with a bunch of redundant details about how it can negatively affect your well being and overall way of life. And even with all of the different types of medications and treatment methods available, the notion of achieving complete and permanent relief from anxiety and stress is often just as elusive today, as it ever was.

that is, until NOW!

Using this
Tap8 course can rapidly help you to eliminate those negative beliefs that have been holding you back, and can result in your developing a whole new calm sense of self confidence in virtually EVERY area of your life!

Plus, in addition weakening, and/or even eliminating any negative beliefs that currently exist in your subconscious mind, you will now know precisely how to instantly neutralize, and/or remove any new negative thoughts that may pop into your mind in the future!

Your emotional trash is all of that negative stuff that you've always wished you could just dump in the "trash can," ...and be rid of FOREVER!!

Well, guess what? Your wish is about to come true for you!!

Think of this
Tap8 course as your emotional housekeeper
coming to clean out all of your emotional trash!

Welcome to Tap8

The course you are about to use is a very special one...

In it, you will learn how to dramatically reduce, or even eliminate, your anxieties by targeting their root causes at their source.

You will also discover how you can essentially replace your negative beliefs with highly positive beliefs in yourself and your abilities. Replacing your negative beliefs with positive beliefs will INSTANTLY change your negative perception of the world to a new, empowering perspective with a more positive outlook for yourself.

You'll quickly experience the benefits of how improving your perceptions can automatically rewrite your behavior, thus allowing you to make substantial improvements in every area of your life!

Plus, not only will you be able to replace your current negative beliefs, but you'll also learn how you can remove any negative thought that may pop into your mind at any moment in the future...often within a minute or two! Removing negative thoughts as soon as they pop into your mind means those negative thoughts will be targeted while they are still at their weakest point...their infancy, BEFORE they have had a chance to fester in your subconscious, and cause you to make bad decisions later on. Therefore, they will never be able to take hold in your subconscious mind!

                  This is An Effective Way To Take Control Of Your Life

Get ready, as you are about to discover why this
Tap8 course is quickly becoming the ultimate training course for achieving superior emotional mastery in any activity or lifestyle!

Thank you, for reading through this entire page.

Now you have a little better idea of what to expect as you start learning how to
use this wonderful Tap
8 course.


Please go to page 0-3
What Causes Your Anxiety & Stress Issues?

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