I've been
doing the tapping as outlined, but I am just not feeling the
results yet.
What am I doing wrong?
There are several possible reasons for why you are not yet
gaining the results you're expecting...
You may be expecting too much to
happen...all at once.
You'll need to be patient,
and remember that gaining the results you seek with this
course is an ongoing
You need to think of an intense anxiety issue as a forest,
and each specific aspect of that anxiety issue is an
individual tree. In order to clear that forest, you would
need to chop down each tree, one tree at a time.
That is precisely what you need to do when you're attempting
to clear out an anxiety issue, you chop down (or reduce the
intensity of) each specific aspect of that issue down to
zero, one aspect at a time. Then, once you have cleared out
enough aspects, the entire anxiety issue simply COLLAPSES,
just like a tabletop that has lost its legs!
After a several days of consistent tapping (chopping down
many trees), you will likely feel a big difference in the
amount anxiety you're feeling.
Repeating the
each day gradually whittles away more and more of your
The tapping is extremely effective at weakening your anxiety
little by little, everyday.
Repetition is the key
principle involved here.
Just keep tapping everyday, and
you will soon get results!
You may have some
hidden 'core issues' going on that you are not yet aware of.
By core issues, I mean that some negative events may have
happened to you earlier in your life that is/are still
getting in the way of
you achieving the results you are seeking.
Module 1
(pages 1-0 through 1-7)
of this Tap8
course was created specifically to help you identify any
such negative events and experiences from your past, and
then clear out any remaining anxiety and pain that you may
still be feeling from those past events.
If you feel that this may be the case, then tap along while
repeating the following phrase several times in succession:
"Even though I still have
this __________
(state your problem
to deeply and completely accept myself!"
Remember to take
a deep breath, and exhale slowly after you complete each
tapping round.
Keep repeating
this process over, and over...until you can no longer FEEL
any stress from that problem.
Another simple reason
for your insufficient results, may be that you do not feel
truly willing to ACCEPT YOURSELF, completely.
When you repeat
phrases such as, "I
CHOOSE to deeply and completely accept myself"
you may not fully BELIEVE in the words
you are saying. This disbelief causes considerable conflict
of in-congruency within yourself. And that conflict can make
any attempt at improving yourself virtually impossible.
Therefore, you would need to convert your highly negative
mindset into a permanently positive, empowering, way of
You see, the reason that we always use positive choice
statements for our
Power-Phrases is
that, we need to fill the emotional void we leave when we
clear out a negative anxiety issue. By replacing the
negative issue with a positive choice EVERY TIME, we are
literally re-wiring the neurons in our brain to think in a
positive manner whenever we are faced with a stressful
Now, wouldn't you prefer to go through life, facing
stressful challenges, with an inherently positive attitude,
rather than
with a limiting negative mindset?
A fourth reason
for not gaining immediate results, is that you may be
feeling a strong reluctance toward letting go of your
In psychology, there
exists a psychological phenomenon known as -- "Secondary
Benefit Conditioning."
This is where you will actually RESIST letting go of
your anxiety-provoking issues, for fear of not knowing how
you would live
without them. Secondary Benefit Conditioning can easily
sabotage all of your best efforts to rid yourself of
anxieties and fears.
Here are a few
good questions that I often use to help Tap8
users discover any hidden secondary benefits.
Please make a list of all of your answers to these
the downside of my letting go of these anxiety issues?
If I lose my dread of exercising, then I will be expected to
get off the couch, and start working out everyday.
the upside of keeping these anxiety issues?
Hanging onto this fear of getting hurt, keeps me safe from
benefits would I lose if I were to let go of these anxiety
Example: Because of my
fear of being bullied, I get to stay home everyday and play
video games.
Once you have made this list, please start tapping, while
repeating each issue in your list. Doing this over and over
will gradually weaken whatever is causing your persistent
secondary benefits.
Repetitive tapping works!
It is possible
that you are not yet ready to allow your anxious thoughts
and fears to surface.
You may be experiencing a mental blockage that is keeping
you from allowing your anxious thoughts to surface. These
blockages can often be caused by a traumatic event or
experience that may have affected you in such a negative
manner as to keep you from
releasing your most intense anxiety issues. And, until you
are willing to weaken your resistance to allowing these
thoughts and feelings
to surface, you will never be able to release your anxiety,
Keep tapping as often as you can on these issues, and you
will eventually feel a noticeable reduction in your anxiety
Tap along, while repeating the following
Even though I
feel afraid to allow my anxiety-provoking thoughts and fears
to surface,
feel calm and confident, and I let go of some of my fear
Even though I can't let down my guard right now,
CHOOSE to relax and allow this tapping to release some more
of this anxiety.
Even though I feel like a part of me isn't ready to release
my control at this time,
CHOOSE to be open to to the fact that I AM WORTHY of
allowing good things to come into my life!
Even though I am afraid that I won't feel safe if I lose my
anxiety issues,
CHOOSE to feel safe and free of the limiting chains of
imprisonment that anxiety forces on me.
Even though I feel that asking for help is like admitting
that I am not in control,
CHOOSE to give permission to this
tapping to help me to get rid of my anxieties forever.
Even though I am so deeply terrified of letting my obsessive
thoughts surface,
CHOOSE to let the
tapping gradually weaken another 10% of my anxiety each day.
Even though I feel so helpless, because this fear has so
much a control over me,
CHOOSE to release my control, and I will use this
to help me for the rest of my life.
Even though I feel so worried that this Tap8
tapping might take my anxious thoughts from me,
CHOOSE to give the tapping a solid chance to permanently
improve my life.
Remember to take
a deep breath, and exhale slowly after you complete each
tapping round.
Keep repeating this
process over, and over...until you can no longer FEEL any
stress from each situation.
Is it
possible that I don't truly BELIEVE this tapping stuff can
really help me?
Yes, many
course users start out feeling very skeptical. But then,
after they keep tapping for a few weeks, they notice some
profound changes taking place. After using this
course for a while, it is quite common for users to
completely FORGET that they ever had any of the issues they
were working on!
If you're
feeling skeptical about the tapping working for you, then
tap along while repeating the following phrases:
Even though I
have all these doubts about this silly tapping stuff
actually working for me,
CHOOSE to be open to the possibility that it COULD work for
though I feel very skeptical about this tapping being able
to reduce my anxiety,
CHOOSE to relax, and give it a serious try for a few weeks.
though I am worried that this tapping might not work for MY
particular anxiety issues,
CHOOSE to feel calm, while I continue tapping through all of
the exercises in this course!
Remember to take a deep breath,
and exhale slowly after you complete each tapping round.
Keep repeating this process over, and over.
exactly am I supposed to be focusing my attention on while I
am tapping?
You NEED to
focus your attention directly on the anxiety you feel
from your anxious thoughts, fears, worries,or whatever is causing your anxious issues. That means, you
MUST be willing to allow those feelings of anxiety to
surface while you're tapping! That is the ONLY way you can
dramatically reduce the amount of anxiety you're feeling.
Something I often see among many
users is that, they tend to shy away from getting SPECIFIC
when listing the issues that are causing their anxieties.
And that's a big problem, because the more specific you are
with your issues when tapping, the more effective the
tapping will be, overall.
Tap along with this phrase several times, until you are able
to focus on feeling your specific fears:
Even though I
am having trouble focusing on my fear of
_______ (be VERY specific),
CHOOSE to relax, and completely accept myself, anyway!
Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly
after each complete tapping round.
Keep repeating this
process over, and over...until you can no longer FEEL any
stress from each fearful issue.
One more suggestion I
offer you is that you should start using the “Reconditioning
Your Nervous System”
on a daily basis.
That can quickly help relax your nervous system so that you
are better able to release your anxiety issues, once and for
The bottom line
of all of this is:
Just keep tapping every chance you get throughout each day.
Once you have
completed the exercises on this page, you are free to go
back to the
course to
work on weakening your anxiety issues with a greater sense
of ease! |